Sini Manninen (26 August 1944, Joensuu, Finlande – 23 September 2012, Paris, France) was a Finnish painter and artist, trained at the Académie des Beaux Arts de Helsinki in Finland. She produced the majority of her works in France, where she moved to in 1973, more precisely, to Montmartre region of Paris. Mastering many painting techniques (oil, acrylic, watercolors, ink, and charcoal) under various disciplines, naïve art remained her fondest style.
A youngest daughter of Elis Olavi Carolus Manninen and Elisabeth Budnik, Sini Manninen grew up in Joensuu, Karelia, where her father officiated as a pastor before becoming a member of Parliament during the 1960s. Later, the family moved several kilometers to the small town of Liperi. The nature and its colors, as well as animals, will became an inexhaustible source of artistic inspiration.
In 1965, she moved to Helsinki to enter the Academy of Fine Arts (Suomen taideakatemia) until 1969. During this time, she trained with other renowned artists such as Saara Tikka, Inari Krohn, Tarja Unkari, Kari Lindström and Risto Vilhunen.
Between 1970 and 1973, she went to work in a herring plant in Norway to earn a living and participated in the Oslo Young Painter’s Association in Norway from 1970 to 1977.
In 1973, she moved to Montmartre, in Paris, to live with her companion Jacques Blank, also a painter, whom she met in Norway. Sini and Jacques’ everyday life took place at the Place du Tertre.
While living in Paris, she showcased numerous exhibitions, as well as elsewhere in the world. In 1980, Sini Manninen received a grant from the Finnish Foundation to attend the Cité internationale des arts in Paris.
In 1990, the family moved to Confolens,[4] a small town in the northeast Charente region, where they settled permanently. Sini Manninen actively painted for public and private exhibitions. Nonetheless, in order to make a living, the two artists were forced to keep their small apartment in Montmartre, where they went regularly to continue painting on the Place du Tertre. She died on September 23, 2012 (aged 68) of a pulmonary infection.
– Gallery II, Stavanger, Norvège
– Salon international « Paris Sud »
– Salon d’Automne Paris, France
– Cannes International, France
– XXVe Grand Prix International de Peinture de Deauville, Deauville, France
– Salon International des Beaux Arts, Paris, France
– Salon des Indépendants, Paris
– Art Center, Västeräs, Suède
– Salon d’automne, Paris, France
– Exposition à la Mairie du IVe arrondissement de Paris, France
– Grand Prix International de Peinture de Deauville, Deauville, France
– Exposition Jeune Peinture – Jeune Expression, Paris
– Exposition Privée « Docent Duk » Stockholm, Suède
– Salon des Indépendants, Paris, France
– Salon des Artistes Français, Paris
– Exposition Jeune Peinture – Jeune Expression, Paris
– Exposition Privée à Västeräs et Stockholm, Suède
– Exposition à la Mairie du XVIIIe arrondissement de Paris, France
– Salon des Indépendants, Paris, France
– Exposition Jeune Peinture – Jeune Expression, Paris
– Exposition Privée à Västeräs, Suède
– Exposition à la Mairie du XVIIIe arrondissement de Paris, France
-Exposition à l’Atelier 74, Paris
– Exposition à la Mairie du XIIIe arrondissement de Paris, France
– Exposition à la Cité Internationale des Arts de Paris, France
– Exposition Privée, Helsinki, Finlande
– Exposition à la Mairie du XVIIe arrondissement de Paris, France
– Salon des Artistes Français, Paris
– Exposition Privée, Ibi, Espagne
– Exposition Gallery Lawrence Ross, Los Angeles, Etats Unis
– Exposition au Musée d’art Naïf Max Fourny, Paris Montmartre
– Exposition à la Cité internationale des Arts, à Paris,
– XVIIe « Salon », Rueil-Malmaison, Paris
– XVIIIe « Salon », Rueil-Malmaison, Paris, salle Pleyel, Public Show, Paris
– Salon International d’Art Naïf, Marie du IVe arrondissement, Paris
– Exposition des donateurs, Musée de la ville de Matanzas, Cuba
– International Show of Naive Painter Art, Paris
– Private painting Show, Galerie Cheize d’Or, Poitiers
– Exposition « 3 en 1 », mairie de Confolens, Charente, France
– European Naifs, Holdsworth Galleries, Australie
– IIIe Exposition Internationale de Pontivy, France
– International Show of Naive Painter Art, Paris
– Exposition privée, Galerie Cheize d’Or, Poitiers
– Ve Exposition Internationale de Pontivy, France
– Exposition privée, Galerie Bröms, Helsinki Finlande
– Exposition privée, Galerie Cheize d’Or, Poitiers
– Exposition privée, Alicante, Espagne
– Study Benaiton, Angoulême, France
– Exposition privée, Pyysaari, Helsinki, Finlande
– Exposition collective, CNBDI, Angoulême, France
– Exposition privée, Alicante, Espagne
– Exposition privée, Confolens, Charente, France
– Exposition Gallery Broms, Liperi, Finlande
– Exposition collective d’Art Naïf, Saint Junien, France
– Exposition privée, Pyysaari, Helsinki, Finlande
– Exposition privée, Galerie Broms, Helsinki, Finlande
– Festival d’Art Naïf, Saint Junien
– Exposition collective d’Art Naif de Montivilliers, France
– Festival d’Art Naif, Verneuil sur Avre
– Exposition collective,”La Balade des Naïfs”, The Connoisseur’s Gallery , Paris VIe arrt7
– Exposition collective, Association Art Montmartre, salle paroissiale de l’église Saint Pierre de Montmartre
– Exposition privée, Pyysaari, Helsinki, Finlande
– Exposition privée, galerie de la Fontorse, Confolens
– Exposition privée, Mairie de Confolens
– Exposition privée, galerie de la Fontorse
– Exposition privée, Maison des créateurs, Saint Germain de Confolens
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